Thursday, October 30, 2008

PSA: Whaa??? Quin Phoenix quits the biz.

Joaquin Phoenix, in a move that proves he's a born actor, has decided to quit doing movies at 34, to pursue a career in music.

He glommed onto this idea after playing Johnny Cash in Walk the Line.

Apparently unaware that he is not, in fact, Johnny Cash, and unwilling to heed the tepid-reception warnings of Scarlett Johansonn's Tom Waits cover album -- one Amazon reviewer titled the critique "Just buy Tom Waits," and she's so cute, she's hard to nay-say -- Joaquin Phoenix has only one career path end ahead of him, that I can see.

Luckily, it will provide him with the perfect blend of acting, pretending to be a popular musician, and actual mediocre-music-playing:

He will become an Elvis impersonator.

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