Saturday, October 25, 2008

PSA: Sometimes, Christians act like jerks.

Here's an article about a letter from "a Christian in 2012" written by Focus on the Family, enumerating the many disasters that will befall us should Barack Obama win the presidency.

Apparently, Christians in 2012 are allowed to lie, as long as the lies are so mavericking ridiculous that no one would ever believe them, and they're designed to mess up the space-time continuum. Sources are unclear on whether just normal white lies, or lies to people from a concurrent time, are permissible in 2012, or still forbidden.

Among the more baseless and ridiculous claims are that Russia will encroach on Europe because of Obama's "reluctance to send troops overseas" -- as though the man hadn't said we would go into Pakistan, permission or no, to hunt down Al Qaida, a position that frightens me a bit as a pacifist -- and that the Boy Scouts will disband in protest over being forced to sleep in tents with homosexual counselors.

The article says the letter and similar efforts to devil people into voting for McCain (I made up that verb, here, because it seemed ENTIRELY APPROPRIATE) are geared toward young evangelicals.

The article didn't say so, but I'm betting it's because Focus on the Family assumes young people don't know better.

This enrages me. The entire thing enrages me.

And as a young evangelical (recovering), I have a message for Focus on the Family and all similar efforts to scare people, instead of giving them actual facts and letting them decide:

Shame on you. If you had a temple, I don't know what Jesus would do, but I would throw you out of it in anger.

Now go to your rooms and think about what you've done.

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