Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Why has Tinkerbell suddenly become the patron saint of teenage girls? And since when did she get to be so “naughty”?

Putting Tinkerbell on accessories meant for fifteen year olds reminds me of that era when sucking on a pacifier was cool (for high schoolers). Did Disney simply not have enough of the teen market share and also lack the muscle to create new characters? Retooling Tink into a tiny, pouty vixen with a skirt that embodies the principle of “show, don’t tell,” and then marketing that to high school students…eew. Whatever happened to Mary Martin and the mirror-reflection fairy?

I thought the purses, T-shirts and other paraphernalia were bad enough--and then I saw a window decal stuck onto the rear window of a pick-up truck that depicted Tinkerbell sitting, legs splayed, in front of a Confederate flag background.


1 comment:

The Crabby Hiker said...

ah! Tinkerbell splayed in front of a confederate flag is like a perfect microcosm of the redneck ethos. weird, misplaced, (semi)racist, (semi)patriotic pride; love for semi-nasty, out-of-proportion women in cutoffs (I guess I'm stretching to say that tink's skirt is "cutoff," but it does have that fringy edge); and, of course, a love for cartoon characters (you see a LOT of Tweety and Taz in the rural south).