Monday, March 9, 2009

PSA: Watching the Watchman'

Anyone who still hasn't seen the movie should be advised that while the graphic novel Watchmen does an excellent job of obscuring the fact that Dr. Manhatten is entirely naked through most of the action of the book, the movie does not.

You just have to get used to it.

Providentially, while fighting in Vietnam and towering over the jungles as Vietcong cowered below, Dr. Manhatten still wore some form of Speedo-type underwear -- if he hadn't, I'm betting we would have seen a marked increase in Freud's "Little Hans" type disorders in comic-book crowd men.

1 comment:

Curious Monk said...

i thought exactly the same thing, especially as i'm not by any measure one of the comic-book crowd.

for a while there, i thought you were going to pass this whole movie by without comment. would have been tragic.