Saturday, January 31, 2009

PSA: V-Day protest

Here are the suggestions I've come up with so far to battle the cultural black hole of the impending Valentine's Day:

1. The old classic MC "wear orange" passive protest

2. Horror movie marathon

3. Candy open-heart surgery (except for classics like "Book Club," or the self-satirizing "Fax me" or "Email me")

4. Follow more sedate international customs, such as for China's "Lover's Day"

Let me know if you come up with any others, and I'll make you famous by publishing it in actual media.

Not just crappy online media, either.

1 comment:

Sarcinae said...

I was looking through pics w/ Chad the other day, and ran across a pic of some of us on V-day, all wearing orange. He wanted to know why we were dressed alike.