Tuesday, June 17, 2008

These are our intentions.

We care because apathy is destructive.

We are secure because insecurity is a drain on society, others and ourselves -- more so than we, ourselves, could ever be.

We do what we love because this is the most efficient, effective way to contribute.

We are kind because kindness makes us stronger.

We refuse spite and bitterness because spite and bitterness make us weaker.

We refuse worry because it is a parasite and jealousy because it is a poison.

We are creative because the only alternative is maintaining a false status quo -- false because nothing remains the same, because everything is dying -- or destruction.

We risk only what is ours to lose, and nothing more. We do not risk others. We do not risk more than we have because that makes us dependent on others to fill in the gaps -- to pay our debts.

We do not begrudge ourselves dependency on others because it will not make us less dependent, and because it is a blessing to others to give.

We do not begrudge ourselves failures of all kinds because life is not a test and we are not being tested. (God is not a proctor. God is not a chess-player. God is not an overseer. God is not our fathers or mothers. God is not a light just dim enough to confuse us. God is not hiding, waiting, or crouching in anticipation. God, the world, is not hating us.)

We fill ourselves up so that we'll have more to risk and give.

We take care of ourselves so that we can take care of others.

We will walk through and not around, because around is not a way.

We will speak the truth in love because without love, it is not truth.

We will not refuse to be surprised.

We will allow for mystery.

We will not refuse hope.

We will intend love as an end in itself.


brd said...

This is the most beautiful thing I've read in weeks. This list makes me want to send it to everyone on my gmail account with the comment at the bottom: "If you do not send this to 8 people in the next 8 minutes you will be blessed."

Do items 8 and 9 conflict?

My favorite is 15.

Alicia said...

I think 8 and 9 don't conflict because of 10. Aim for the best and have compassion on yourself when you don't achieve it, is the idea.

Fifteen is my favorite, too.

The Crabby Hiker said...

10 is my favorite, and my most neeeded.

brd is also my favorite.

alicia is also my favorite.