Monday, June 16, 2008

Movies I watched on vacation

Princess Mononoke
Philadelphia Story
Knocked Up
MST 3000: Mitchell
Country Boys, parts 2-3


Carl Yost said...

How did you like entries 1 and 3?

Alicia said...

Princess Mononoke was the most morally convoluted film I've seen probably ever. Veeeeerrrrrryyyyy interesting. Also, guys getting decapitated -- veerrrryyy Japanese.

Knocked Up was, IMO, not sexist. It was cute and funny and definitely worth watching.

Maybe you wanted more in-depth comments than that. Posit some opinion or theory, and I'll respond!

Curious Monk said...

Supplier of #1, here. Chosen for ambiguity! Was there "no side, only peace" in that movie? maybe you only meant to ask yourself to ask yourself for deeper commentary, but you got me instead. So, what do you think?

The Crabby Hiker said...

I'd like to weigh in!!!!

I did very much enjoy "no side, only peace," partly because it wasn't done in the American way, which seems to be, "You think you've picked a side at first, but then as you go on you realize both sides are actually evil, and there's no one you can trust or ally yourself with." This was a more open-hearted approach. You see the good and bad points throughout; at the point you start to choose a side, things open up, and you see that there's something else present, not something absent (like goodness). Not that everybody's good, but the main character doesn't take an all-or-nothing approach to loyalties, and this is shown as a strength. (Please see Sharon in BSG, though that's different - There you are again, you curious monk, you!!!!).

Knocked Up, on the other hand, is both insanely raunchy and slightly moralizing, a perfect combination for me. Seriously, if I had to choose between Juno and Knocked Up, every day of my life, for the rest of my life, I think I would choose Knocked Up every day. Which is why I'm not on the Oscar committee.