Saturday, September 20, 2008

PSA: I'm stalking you, 2.0

I'm now "following" you all from my "dashboard" -- look how technologically advanced I am! -- and can read your blog posts at my leisure.

I've decided to follow you publicly, and on the occasion of my 400th post to celebrate your and my efforts in the "blogosphere" all at once.

(I'm even following you, Misanthropicity, despite your long absence from your blog and its borderline pornographic first post -- because I think yours is a blog worth following, even if it's not going anywhere.)

Let me know if you've got a blog and I've missed you.

1 comment:

Becca Knight said...

I had a blog. But my new year's resolution failed miserably - I gave up after reaching 5.4% of my goal. You can read it here, though: