Saturday, August 1, 2009

Confessions XL

I never did the following things that little girls are supposed to do: want a pony, plan a “dream wedding,” enjoy wearing dresses after 4 years old, keep up with any fashion styles (until I was 22 – and then they were Chinese fashions).

I never considered myself a tomboy, but I did enjoy the following activities as a kid: picking up worms, bullfrogs, salamanders and especially snakes; riding bikes with my brother; garden-work in general, and getting paid for it in particular; playing kickball in the backyard with infinite “ghost men” and only Ty to play with; sleeping outside on a “bed” of sticks I’d made myself.

Still, I loved the following “girlie” movies in their times: Beauty and the Beast (Disney), Tarzan (Disney), Thumbelina (animated), While You Were Sleeping, Ever After, When Harry Met Sally, Pride and Prejudice (long version), Wives and Daughters (long version), Love Actually.

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