Sunday, February 8, 2009

Local Trivia: Midnight OCD-like car-cleaning = double homicide?

Last night, walking around in my crazily warm neighborhood, PC and I noticed the DIY carwash being used by a woman with an SUV, past midnight.

Returning to my apartment, we saw another SUV owner apparently also cleaning the car in his garage.

Both car-cleaners had a certain manic quality I couldn't quite place except as a "well, they live in Plainville" desperation. But if this were a movie or an episode of CSI, well, clearly they would have been cleaning off blood. And we probably would have stumbled across the bodies still in the street.

We didn't, though, so they probably didn't kill anyone.

Unless they also watch movies or CSI and thus know better than to leave the bodies out.

I suppose we'll never really know.

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