Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Local Trivia: Prickly Plainville

Greg Kendall was hiking the Metacomet Trail along a ridge in Plainville -- where, strangely, much of the good rock climbing and bouldering in the state is -- and found a prickly pear cactus.

They're native to Connecticut, but rare.

The Hartford Courant printed an article on the finding of the cactus above the fold in the Life section of today's paper. The article describes exactly where to find the small cactus colony -- then it tells people not to pick it.

Yeah, right.

If you want to see the cactus, you'd better get there before any curious Courant reader does...the article jumps to D5 right in the middle of explaining why it's bad to harrass the cactus.

I'm betting potential prickly-pear pickers aren't the types to follow the jump.

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