Friday, July 18, 2008

Confessions XIV

Like many people, I eat M&M's in a certain color-order every time. Unlike anyone I've ever talked to, my original color order as a child left me with only tan remaining (until tan was retired for blue in the early 90s).

I went through a phase in high school during which I ate Kraft singles cheese by folding each "cheese" slice four times so that it split into sixteen squares of approximately equal size. I then ate each square individually.

During the same phase, I ate bananas by slicing open a "window" in the peel and then cutting away each bite with a fork and knife.

1 comment:

Sarcinae said...

Tan was my favorite color M&M. I think I was the only person who liked it. I HATE the blue M&Ms and refuse to eat them, usually giving them to anyone else who happens to be around.