Monday, July 20, 2009

Local Trivia: Mucho mochi

Last Wednesday, on our way to SYD at Liz and Joe's house, P.C. and I stopped at the Asian market for a case of Thai iced tea (Foco is the only canned kind I'll drink), which I've recently re-realized I love to drink. We bought a bunch of other "weird" drinks that we've come to know and enjoy since Chinese New Year.

P.C. suggested we get some weird snacks, too, which we've had a surprising amount of success with, and he picked out "Japanese style mochi" from the cookie-and-cracker aisle. There were a bunch of different kinds, so we got four different ones: taro (my fave), green tea, red bean and sesame.

They felt like something almost alive in squishiness and resiliency, especially the taro, which had only a bit of flour on the outside to keep it from being sticky. (The sesame, my least favorite, had sesame seeds covering the outside.)

The shelves were literally packed with small boxes of these things. Eighteen inches deep and three feet long adds up to a lot of mochi.

Still, the fact that we liked them so much should have tipped me off to their short on-the-shelf-life. When I went back today to get some more, all the kinds we tried were gone.

Anyone who has a lead on where I can get more taro mochi, let me know.

Otherwise I may have to resort to making it myself.

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