Friday, April 18, 2008

Recipe: Black Bean Dip

Black beans, dry (1 lb. bag)
Onion, chopped
Southwest-style salsa (black bean and corn)
Cayenne pepper
Onion powder (optional)
Pepper Jack cheese, grated (eliminate for veganized recipe)

1. Prepare the beans as instructed on bag. (Usually soak overnight in large pot with 6-8 c. water, rinse, boil for two minutes in 6 c. water, then simmer for an hour and a half to two hours.) Rinse beans in colander and return to pot with 1-2 c. water.

2. Over med-high heat, mash beans as much as you feel like it. Add chopped onion. Continue to stir and mash as desired.

3. After however long you feel like waiting, add cumin, cayenne pepper and coriander. Taste. Add salt. Taste. Add some more of whatever you want more of. Taste. Cook for awhile at a simmer.

4. Add some Southwest-style salsa -- approximately 1 c., or however much you think you'd want.

5. Stir for awhile.

6. Taste again.

7. Add pepper jack cheese, stirring constantly until melted. Taste. Remove from heat when satisfied, and serve hot -- or ladle into old glass jars (salsa jars are particularly good), close, and set aside until cool. Then refrigerate until ready to eat.

Serve with chips. Serves approximately six mediumly-hungry people.

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