Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lieberman goes to the Dark Side

I hate watching that little-boy Anakin in The Phantom Menace. He’s just so wooden. The scene where he leaves his mother leaves me wishing he’d just go, and give her a chance at a normal life—one that includes emotions.

Although I haven’t seen Attack of the Clones, I’ve heard that Anakin doesn’t get any better; I’ve been told he and Amidala have absurdly little chemistry. I imagine the love scene going something like this:

Hayden Christenson, in dull monotone: Oh. A-mi-dah-la. I must have you. I cannot live. Without you. [limply extends arm in general direction of Portman]
Natalie Portman, beautiful as ever but playing down to make Christenson look less stupid: Oh Anakin. We should not give in to our passion. Which is great. But let’s do it, anyway.
Christenson: Yes. Let’s.

And then Anakin goes to the dark side.

Kind of like Lieberman.

It started with a complete lack of observable emotion, followed by questioning the basic tenets of the Force (in this case, the DNC) and siding with darkness in a few key cases (lured by the completely unseductive RNC—substitute Ron Schneider for Natalie Portman, here) to ultimately begin a war that his generation won’t finish.

When, exactly, did Lieberman get in bed, so to speak, with the Republicans? Was it when he lost the DNC’s endorsement and ran as an Independent? Was it when he voted for the Iraq war? Or has it been written in the stars since the beginning of time? I suspect that he’s been admiring himself in the black cape and practicing with the red light saber in secret for some time now.

I’ve been waiting, since Lieberman endorsed McCain for president in 2008, to hear that the RNC has officially gathered him into the fold, will pay for his campaigning, etc. Whether Connecticut will continue to accept him post-defection is questionable.

May the Force be with us.

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