Tuesday, April 12, 2011

That depends on what the meaning of the word "sample" is.

Me, reading the subject of a spam-mail I received: "No risk Natalie Portman sample."

P.C.: "Ooh."

Me: "No, not 'ooh.' You'd probably get a toe or something. It wouldn't be something good, like an eye."

P.C.: "But it's no risk."

Me: "That doesn't mean you're going to get something good, it means you won't get a disease."

P.C.: "Well, I thought it would be a sampling of Natalie Portman over the years...and it's no risk, so you're not gonna get Star Wars."


jenny d said...


"Anakin, you're breaking my heart." I remember cringing in the theater.

Alicia said...

Well, Jenny, at least you didn't outright vomit.

Though considering the emotional content of that scene, and all scenes that should have had chemistry, I suppose dry heaves would be the most violent reaction called for.