Friday, March 19, 2010

PSQ: Half-hour comedies

Would anyone recommend a half-hour comedy available on DVD to follow Arrested Development when P.C. and I inevitably finish watching season 3?

I've heard Pushing Daisies is good, and I've seen a few episodes of Better Off Ted, which is pretty funny and also continues the Portia de Rossi kick of AD.

*Here's a partial list of shows (I)we've watched, so you can avoid repeating recommendations and get a sense of our tastes:

30 Rock
Big Bang Theory
The Office (American)


00JB said...

I'm really hooked on "That 70s Show" reruns. The episodes that cover the releases of Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back are particuarly good.

If you can stomach raunchy humor, "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia."

00JB said...

"Frasier." The writing is brilliant.

jenny d said...

It's not on DVD yet, but Modern Family is hilarious.

Heather R said...

"Pushing Daisies" is FANTASTIC. I'm still sad that it only ran for two seasons....