Sunday, March 21, 2010

PSA: Grey's Anatomy will make you music-cool.

I've been rewatching Grey's Anatomy, which I used to view as "appointment television" with my roommates in DC three and four years ago, recently. I've had a significantly different reaction to the show the second time around.

For one thing, watching all the episodes in a row without commercials makes me feel less annoyed at Meredith Grey, who, unlike her predecessing whiny sisters (think Ally McBeal and Grace from Will and Grace), actually has a lot of trauma in her life, stuff that justifies the whining.

For another, since 2006, I've become infinitely more music-cool. And it turns out that Grey's Anatomy has been music-cool all along. Admittedly, some of the indie music they play is still middling -- Snow Patrol is addictive, but more like crack than wheat crackers and hummus; Bird and the Bee have that one awesome song, but the rest seem just okay -- but when in the middle of season 4 I said to myself "well, they haven't played The National yet," they did...and a song that I wouldn't really have expected -- a kind of obscure, appropriate song.

The show has its share of treacle, but then so does the indie music scene (see again: Snow Patrol).

Now I'm waiting for Animal Collective and Matt & Kim. They're probably in there somewhere in season 5, or about to go up in season 6.

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