Friday, March 5, 2010

Local Trivia: Thanks for letting me off the hook, guys.

An evangelical church near Waterbury, CT, has occasionally had sign messages posted on its church events sign that cause me evangelical concern -- thanks usually to their strange syntax, I find myself wondering if Jesus is telling me to go back to evangelical church.

Today, driving past, I observed a sign that snapped me out of the thrall leftover from previous signs: "We still believe in the the pledge of allegiance to God to country to our flag."

Since I know from all biblical evidence that Jesus didn't come to urge us to "pledge" to "our flag" as U.S. citizens -- and least of all during Lent (I mean, surely there are other things this church could be focusing on during this season??) -- this sign effectively relieved me of all concern that I should pay attention to this church's signs.

Thanks, evangelicals, for outing yourselves once again.


Curious Monk said...

On my church's sing this week: Your sin, one drop. God's love, an ocean.

I think you should come to my church instead.

Curious Monk said...

SIGN. though we try to sing it, too.

Alicia said...

But your church is so far away!

Instead I'm not going to any church. But I occasionally email my pastor to hear his thoughts on my life, which are always similar to your church's sign. Which indicates that I may like your church if it were within half an hour of either of my living-places.