Tuesday, March 2, 2010

PSA: Aliens have good taste.

According to NPR on Monday, the Brits are beginning to get fed up with people using Freedom of Information laws there to get copies of reports of UFO sightings. The government feels it's a waste of money and time, and it has perhaps been part of the reason UFO sightings have gone up recently -- UFO sighters being, likely, highly suggestible people.

As a result, the Brits are now going to shred documentation of UFO reports 30 days after they're first reported.

That seems reasonable enough to me; I mean, if there really are aliens, and if they're interested in a hostile takeover (which is the only possibility that really could worry us), what good will govt. documentation of the impending attack do us? No good.

More important than all of this, I think, is the possibility that extraterrestrial life really IS visiting the UK more often than other places. Daytrip to earth? Hey, let's go see Bath! Or the Cotswolds! Let's go see that quaint walled-in city that defended itself against the Welsh!

I think the aliens and I might get along pretty well.

1 comment:

jenny d said...

Maybe I'd be better off dating aliens.