Friday, December 31, 2010

Resolved: 20x10 New Year's resolution update

Here are the resolutions I made last year, and an update on how I did.

1. I will drink more chocolate Vitasoy this year than I did last year by remembering how awesome it is whenever I go to the Asian market.

Alas, I remembered how awesome chocolate Vitasoy is this year, but I'd have to drink about two gallons of it in the next twelve hours to keep this resolution.

2. I will take at least three "significant" trips.

Let's see: I went to Tennessee for friend Becca's wedding to friend Brad; went to RR'10 at friend Sharon's in Virginia; and visited friend Carl in NYC a few times. I also went with P.C. to a Matt & Kim concert in Rhode Island, my first time getting out of the car in that state. Perhaps that counts as three.

3. I will cultivate my prejudice against people who drive mini-vans through rehearsal and witty, biting commentary.

This was clearly the most successful of my resolutions, though my witty, biting commentary often devolved into simple mockery after awhile. Still, I uttered the words "stupid mini vans" more this year than any previous year in memory.

4. I will watch at least one episode of American Idol, since Ellen is on it as a judge this year.

I did not watch an entire episode of American Idol, though I did catch a few minutes of Ellen judging, and while waiting for a doctor's appointment in August I watched most of an episode of the Ellen Show. Mixed success, I'd say, in following the resolution -- though any year I fail to watch even one episode of American Idol seems like a win overall.

5. I will complete my M.A. in Cultural Production (December 2010).

Done. I need to make a few minor, sentence-level changes in my capstone paper and mail two paper copies to the CP office, but the paperwork is in, and my paper has been accepted toward the degree -- so basically done.

6. I will visit at least one museum.

A few weeks ago I took my girl to the Wilton Historical Society's "Great Trains" exhibit, which was of seven model trains in various gauges. I also visited the Tobacco Museum at Northwest Park in Windsor on a letterboxing expedition. Friend Carl took us to a museum at Yale, and P.C. and I wandered around a British museum down there. And since I took that museum education class, I also ended up at the Peabody-Essex and the DeCordova Sculpture Garden and Museum in MA, the Barker Character, Cartoon and Comic Museum, and probably a few others.

Still, despite the overwhelming success of following this resolution, since museums are less fun than disparaging mini-vans, I consider resolution 3 my best success.

7. I will make at least one new friend.

Done, and done -- though since I'm no longer living near said new friends in MA, I have to settle for Facebook-friending them.

8. I will invent at least two new kinds of purses.

Technically, I only invented one new kind of purse this year -- the book purse -- though because of the different binding methods, I've had to invent two different ways of rolling the paper to create the same effect. I also improved the look and stability of the final product by switching up the way the butcher's cotton twine was attached to the book cover, though this still may need some work to properly balance the purse.

You can decide whether this counts as one or two kinds of purse, though I'm inclined to count it as just one.

9. I will work the following quotes into conversation as often as possible: "Godzilla doesn't care what humans do"; "you can't just go around..."; "I'm not a real doctor but I am a real worm."

I forgot about this resolution, and so did not work these phrases into conversation as much as I now wish I had.

Perhaps I shot myself in the foot on this one by making two of the quotes related to weird animals (a giant lizard and a worm).

10. I will save the request for P.C. to do "the dog from New Jersey voice" for real emergencies.

P.C. was able to help me keep this resolution by refusing to do the "dog from New Jersey voice" on request.

Perhaps my next year's resolution will be to request the "dog from New Jersey" voice with profligate abandon, hoping to hear it as often as possible...

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