Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello again, Gene Cranston

It's hard to believe I've only officially owned Gene for 11 days now, as I've had about two years worth of maintenance trouble with him so far -- but that's in Betty-years, which are unfair to apply to another car, and heck, I knew anything I got for $1000 was going to need about that much more done in maintenance.

P.C. and I picked him up from my Ron at the last minute Monday, and Ron told me to drive and drive and drive -- and put good gasoline in -- and drive and drive some more. Since the transmission was sticky and my Ron hadn't flushed it yet, we drove and drove to a Thai restaurant (where I had the second best panang curry I've had in the States) in Less-local City, CT, and then retired Gene once again to P.C.'s Ron for a transmission flush yesterday. P.C. agreed to drop me off at work last night and drive and drive to see his friend in Far Away City, CT, and then pick me up again this morning before the re-test.

The trouble is I'm pretty sure Gene doesn't get infinite chances on retesting, and in order to get a waiver, I have to spend $660 trying to fix the problem. I've got about $400 to go on the exhaust troubles, if it comes to that.

I'll let you know if it comes to that. Gene has two more days to get registered for realz before his temporary reg expires.


jenny d said...

I love that this reads like a fairy tale.

Alicia said...

Yeah -- one involving the DMV, which is an obvious sit-in for some kind of wicked witch. I'm sure further installments are to come.