Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Past local trivia: Jenny found the quote wall

From Jenny, in the comments:

"So, during the snow days this week I was doing some cleaning and guess what I found! A few samples:

"I had to prostitute my kids to support my habit." - Carl, on spearmint Altoids

"It's like the eye of Sauron... but in a good way." - Jenny D"

And *I'm* the one who watches 'Buffy, the Vampire Slayer.'" - Christopher

"Something had to be pretty, and the world wasn't changing." - Alicia, on why she changed into a skirt

"Please come date us!" - Debbie, suggesting a possible ad for the Writing Center

"It's really bright in here. I feel like the Lord is coming." - Meredith

Ben: I'm more selfless than ever before.
Maria: Way to go, Ben! "

Everyone please excuse me while I laugh hilariously at (and with) our former selves. Ah. We were awesome then.

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