Sunday, February 14, 2010

New Modern Deity: Kindermal

Kindermal is the Ur-god of punishing rotten kids, known in other cultures as Black Peter; the chupacabra; the boogeyman; evil Santa; Mrs. Trunchbull; various trolls hiding under various bridges, and several residents of the Black Forest. These lesser manifestations may be considered "messengers" or minions under Kindermal's jurisdiction.

Kindermal's main concern is making unruly kids more rule-y. One of Kindermal's most effective and insidious tactics is getting kids to police each other. Thus, Kindermal is something of a patron deity to the safety patrol, hall monitors, and honors students in general (non-reformed), when they themselves are not acting up -- which explains also why they so rarely do.

Kindermal can often also provide parents with creative inspiration when punishing their wayward children. (The most extreme versions of these punishments can be seen in Cinderella's excessive cleaning of the home, and in punishment closets such as The Chokey.)

Kindermal is not without deity enemies, as deities are often also unruly. Though some deities consider themselves neutral, Kindermal, in an effort to organize the world according to a system of rules, lists each as either "good" or "bad": this may be the genesis of the myth of Santa Claus's lists of the "naughty" and the "nice." It also makes for awkward meetings in Olympia, WA (where the gods meet for semi-annual conferences), but since Kindermal only retains jurisdiction over human children and is not by any stretch the most powerful of the modern deities, he remains mainly an annoyance to other gods and a scourge only to little kids who run around in stores, hit their siblings (except to enforce rules), or forget their homework.

1 comment:

jenny d said...

My request: who is the god of office politics? The one responsible for bosses who have a different set of rules than everyone else and who refuse to admit when they're wrong?