Tuesday, May 5, 2009

PSA: Reasons I would give a standing ovation

The performance was excellent and moving, possibly life-altering

The performance was good for its kind, i.e. a high school musical; a grade-school dance recital; a quick street con

The rest of the audience is standing up and I can't see anything past their heads

Someone I know, who knows where I'm sitting, is in the performance

My grandma is already standing up next to me

I know other audience members, who know where I'm sitting, and suspect they're watching me

There's a bee or other insect buzzing around me, and I'm worried it will sting

I've been sitting for a long time and want to stretch

1 comment:

brd said...

Plus, how about if it's the Hallelujah Chorus and you are already standing when the performance ends?