Wednesday, December 17, 2008

In which my girl tries to play her "Get into jail free" card

My girl: "I want to go there."

[I glance over at the building she's pointing to, one we drive past almost every day we're together, a large brick compound set far back on a grassy hill.]

Me: "You want to go there? That's prison."

My girl: "Oh."

Me: "You'd have to do something really bad to get in there."

My girl: "Like what?"

Me: "Like hurt someone really badly, or steal something really big. Let's see...what else would get you into prison?"

My girl: "I mean I want to work there."

Me: "Well, I don't know if you can work there. What would you do?"

My girl: "I would put things on shelves, stock shelves."

Me: "Huh. I don't know if they have shelves in prison."

My girl: "What's it like?"

Me: "In prison? It's really boring. People just sit around all day. We could probably find a book about it or something."

My girl: "Or a TV show. We could find a TV show about it."

Me: "Have you ever seen a TV show about prison?"

My girl: "No."

Me: "It would probably be a pretty boring TV show, just watching people sit around all day."

My girl: "Yeah."

Me: "I think I'd rather see a TV show about something interesting, like a carnival."

My girl: "Yeah, I love carnivals."

Me: "Me too. There's always something going on at a carnival."

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