Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Danger Squirrel

Yesterday, bringing friend Carl back to the Waterbury train station, I watched a squirrel try to cross the road with the horror, fascination and resentment usually reserved for car wrecks that have already happened.

I beeped the horn at him four or five times, sending his tentative, nervous little paws skittering back to the sidewalk. The final time, regrouped on the grass on the far side of the sidewalk, he didn't pay attention to me. An SUV was coming on the other side of the road.

"You're going to die!" I rebuked him, as if it would help.

He didn't, though. He made it.

This time at least.

(Sorry. Couldn't resist that last.)

1 comment:

Becca Knight said...

We have zillions of suicidal squirrels in TN!