Thursday, November 27, 2008

PSA: AIM (Aggravatingly Inserting Messages)

Me, on AIM to my girl(1:12:19 PM): Hey, J----. I'm bugging you while you're writing to Marc!

Me (1:12:49 PM): Look at me bugging you!

Me (1:12:59 PM): You can't write to Marc while I keep doing this!

Me (1:13:02 PM): Ha ha!

[My girl laughs uproariously for two whole minutes while she tries to form a reply by AIM.]

Me (1:14:23 PM): :0

My girl (1:16:13 PM): ok i get you r sily nis im trying to wit to marc

[I wait until she's started back on the email, so the window will pop up in front of it again and get in the way.]

Me (1:16:24 PM): Hahaha

[My girl: "Alicia!" We both laugh.

This derails her for ten minutes.]

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