Friday, March 11, 2011

PSA: Twitter = new commercial delivery system

Well, today I joined twitter... @ohTHATalicia.

Follow me if you want. But read this warning first, because if you're a late adopter like me, you might expect things well past the beta stage of international acceptance to not suck by the time you get there: Twitter kind of sucks.

Maybe I'll get the hang of all that hash-tagging and @-signing and re-tweeting, and maybe in the future it will be SO FUN, but for now all my twitter feed (if that's even what it's called) looks like to me is a list of all the commercials I've been missing out on over the last few years of watching exclusively DVD'd content. Making each "tweet" 140 characters or less actually makes them worse; imagine if those 30 second spots that used to be so familiar to us TV viewers were crammed into 5 seconds each and you had to watch 30 of them in each commercial break. Yeesh.

Next I'll have to figure out what all this Angry Birds fuss is about.

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