Wednesday, July 28, 2010

PSA: Sense and Sensibility also morphs into battle royale.

Here's a brilliant web video pointed out by friend Carl.

Watch it with the understanding that yes, linking to stuff on my blog instead of writing incisive (or any) commentary on it IS a cop-out -- and I know that -- but honestly, I think this one speaks for itself.

And in semi-Victorian English no less.


jenny d said...

This is why we all love friend Carl.

Brilliant is the word. I think "awesome" and "hilarious" get second and third.

Curious Monk said...

I saw in the bookstore the other day that there's now (if there wasn't before) a novelization of Battle Royale. So if you want to experience all that gore in black and white, you now have the opportunity.

What? It's not totally irrelevant.