Sunday, July 18, 2010

PSA: Congress should extend unemployment benefits.

Not extending the relatively small, but hugely impactful (if that were a word) fee associated with extending unemployment benefits would be like paying very, very expensive dental insurance (the stimulus and bail-outs) and then balking at the co-pay when you had a real emergency ("$40?!? No THANK you!").

This is a stupid debate. If we wanted to be annoyed at paying way too much money for stuff that might not work, we should have done it earlier (and most of us did) like reasonable people. THIS money is actually directly accomplishing something, and it's WAY LESS than what we went into debt for two years ago.

This kind of thing is what taxes are for. Nobody who is not an anarchist or hardcore libertarian should be complaining.

Anarchists and libertarians, carry on. Everyone else shut up.

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