Sunday, January 31, 2010

PSQ: Do you visit museums?

If so, why?

And more importantly, if not, why not?

Is it because they're boring? Elitist? Can't be seen on TV? You have better things to do with your time? You'd rather do something active, like laser tag or Frisbee golf? Because they have no sense of humor? Because what's the point of museums, anyway?

(These are all reasons I've come up with, myself, and I lived in D.C. for two years -- so imagine how many more I must have. The point is, no reasons are stupid. [Okay, most reasons aren't stupid. {I haven't played laser tag in years, and never played "Frolf."}])


jenny d said...

Let's see, last year I went to the Franklin Institute twice, but those were more for pop culture exhibits - Narnia and Star Trek. I went to the Huntingdon while I was in Pasadena, but that had both indoor galleries and outdoor gardens. Going back a couple years, I chaperoned school field trips to the Baltimore Science Center, Independence Hall, and the National Constitution Center (which I really loved.) I also went to the Philly Art Museum for the Kahlo exhibit, and for something else, but I can't remember what it was... oh! a photography exhibit. And C. and I went to the Internat'l Center for Photography once when I visited him.

Considering my proximity to several cities in the northeast, I should probably go more. I think there are several reasons I don't: 1) I don't know enough about art. 2) I grow tired of seeing the same subject matter (read: portraits of people who don't matter to me and religious figures), 3) Since I spend most of my working hours indoors, when I have a day off and it's nice out, I'd rather be outside. If it's raining, often it's easier to just stay in and read or watch a movie. 4) There are many types of "art" out there that I don't enjoy, so I don't feel the need to see them in museums. 5) I'm a Eurosnob who enjoys museums more in foreign countries. 6) I'm no longer a middle schooler who takes yearly field trips. 7) I would say "I don't have a lot of museum-going friends" but that's not true. Many of the people I work with go to museums all the time. They're just not all the sort of people I'd want to go to a museum with because who wants to be made to feel stupid?

00JB said...

i go often, but here are my reasons for and agaisnt going.

reasons to go: the readily available penis jokes; to see cool stuff; to make fun of art; to ask the question: who the hell thought this was/is "art?"; to experience the few pieces that actually move you; to be a critic; to ask the question: how would Thomas Crowne do it?; to feel like Rocky.

reasons not to go: because inevitably you will end up standing next to some pretentious yahoo, who obviously knows a great deal about art, but who talks about it in a way that makes you want to punch him in the mouth; getting yelled at by the monitors because you forgot about that whole "no touch" rule; the crappy food; thinking that i should've paid more attention in art history I; you're hung over; too many kids; modern art and abstracts (what's the damn point)?