Sunday, November 29, 2009

PSA: Nothing in the Verse could stop them.

Now, around Thanksgiving, I find myself thinking of television shows, and the good ones that left us all too early. I'm not going to recreate the "Family Guy" bit and name all the good shows Fox has cancelled, but here are my votes for those pesky holiday presents for people you like but don't know that well -- but don't give them to people you'd rather not know, because either they'll hate the shows and give them bad word of mouth, or they'll like the shows and you'll be forced to talk to them for at least as long as it takes a normal person to watch a whole season of TV: I'd estimate 3-4 weeks. (I've simply converted my usual rate from "days" to "weeks" here.)

Perhaps we can all take a lesson from "Firefly," which, while it didn't trump the new world order of Murdoch Co., at least got a movie thanks to fan agitation.

So here they are (the detective-y ones), in alphabetical order:

"Chuck": It's coming back in January instead of March (which was a stupid plan to begin with), and the long-awaited second season will finally be out on DVD on Jan. 5. In the meantime, the first season can be found often on sale at Target, or used online. (New online as well, but more expensive.)

"Daybreak": I bought it on spec for $5 at Target. The entire series is only 13 episodes -- it never got an "in" with the notoriously picky, "it's not LOST!" Lostheads, and only 6 episodes showed -- but the "Groundhog Day" meets "The Fugitive" premise is fun and ultimately compelling despite the compression of plot in the last two or three episodes of the series. As a bonus, there are 15 commentaries on those 13 episodes; the first 2 have 2 commentaries each.

"Veronica Mars": You don't need me to tell you to watch this show, mainly because I've already told you repeatedly to watch it. Now it's so cheap you can't even begin to argue. Seasons 1-2 are indispensable; Season 3 is optional, but you'll want to watch it anyway.

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