Saturday, November 28, 2009

Local Trivia: Black Friday, aka AMERICA Day

At 7:30 a.m., when we'd gathered up our wits and whatnot about us and come together for the celebration of the true American holiday -- Black Friday -- I said to P.C., "we're basically heroes -- going out shopping on Black Friday. It should be called 'America Day.'"

He laughed, but it was him who yelled out "America!" as we walked toward the Target, and did a fist pump into the air. No one turned around to see what he was yelling about, supporting my point that it's self-evident.

The cashier, who had to be at work at 4:45 a.m. for the early opening, did not agree that we were heroes. But we know better.

Anyone who spent money on Friday was a patriot.


jenny d said...

I ordered gifts on Amazon. Does that count?

Alicia said...

YES. Any consumerism counts, Jenny.

If we didn't buy presents, the terrorists would win.