Friday, December 30, 2011

PSA: Etsied

So obviously I've been up to other stuff that isn't this blog. There are SO MANY THINGS THAT HAVE HAPPENED IN THE LAST TWO MONTHS, but most of them aren't things I'm writing about here.

They include re-dating P.C., my car dying and my trying to find a new car, my finding a new car and subsequent signing of many documents indenturing me to a credit union (they seem nice, though, so they probably won't have me building pyramids or anything), going on many, many trips to see various friends, and applying to new jobs that might not kill cars so quickly.

Some of those things are things I've been writing plenty about on Facebook -- like my Etsy store opening, which I suppose is the point of this post, and which indirectly leads to my next several photo posts, because I've learned to take better digital photos as a result of having to make product photos.

Here's my shop.

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